My first Linux installed and used was RedHat 5.0 Hurricane from 1997. And I’ve been a RedHat desktop user until the 9 came out in 2003. Now 8 years later I am back again. Been long lost in many distributions but seems like finally fedora convinced me to come back 🙂 So here I am Read More →

Why would we need WikiLeaks after all? Now, the information and conclusions below don’t necessary reflect the actual state of things and in no way represent true events and situations. It was taken out of context and merely collected from pieces. All of this is just a creation of my conspiracy theory. Don’t read it. Read More →

Let me begin with the fact that 546km ride is my personal record of continuous riding so the excitement  should be more understood by the occasional reader. Nevertheless I believe that even if one is used to such long trips he will find some breathe taking experience while crossing the Alps. coming back and looking Read More →

Ever wondered what it takes to a laptop to come here? Località Data Ora Locale Descrizione MILANO,IT 11/10/2010 5:33 IN CONSEGNA 11/10/2010 5:25 SCANSIONE ARRIVO BERGAMO,IT 11/10/2010 4:30 SCANSIONE PARTENZA 11/10/2010 3:02 SCANSIONE ARRIVO 11/10/2010 3:02 SCANSIONE ARRIVO KOELN (COLOGNE), DE 11/10/2010 1:48 SCANSIONE PARTENZA KOELN (COLOGNE), DE 10/10/2010 22:36 SCANSIONE IMPORTAZIONE 10/10/2010 20:53 SCANSIONE Read More →

1. Browse downloads in browser and select the one you need 2. Get the login screen 3. copy redirectUrl param from the address bar of your browser 4. get back to terminal window 5. type: wget –post-data=’redirectUrl= &username=&password=’ hit Enter and watche the download progress Hope it helps. And don’t forgret you have downloaded Read More →