Like all the rest of the applications it looks awfully small on a hidpi display. Now, it is a wine application and you can change the wine’s DPI setting per WINEPREFIX. However, teamviewer comes with its own, outdated copy of wine that lacks the comfortable winecfg. If you need one, you can just grab a package from an older version of your distribution, chances are it will be compatible.

So, given I am on the Fedora 22 and TV10, what I did is first check the teamviewer’s wine version:

$ /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/wine/bin/wine --version

then head to pbone’s rpm search and find the freshest 1.6 for fedora x86_64 which so happened to be th FC18’s 1.61, downloaded and got it extraceted:

mkdir wine-common-1.6; cd wine-common-1.6; rpm2cpio ../wine-common-1.6.1-1.fc18.noarch.rpm | cpio -idv

and then launch winecfg using the teamviewer’s wine home which is (~/.config/teamviewer10 for TV10 and ~/.local/share/teamviewer11 for TV11):

WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/teamviewer11 ./usr/bin/winecfg

set your DPI in the “Graphics” tab, do OK and enjoy the hidpi mode in teamviewer!

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